Lottery Sales History
Funds Distribution
Sports Betting

Fund Transfers

Traditional Lottery -Where Does The Money Go?

Since the Kansas Lottery's start up in November 1987, through June 30, 2023, lottery ticket sales have produced more than $2.1 billion in revenues transferred to the State of Kansas. In that same time period, nearly $4.2 billion worth of prizes have been paid to players, and retailers have earned more than $420 million in commissions. The Lottery's fiscal year 2023, which ended June 30, 2023, produced over $338 million in sales and more than $85 million transferred to the State

The Kansas Lottery Act requires that a minimum of 45 percent of total sales be paid back to the players through the prize fund. In fiscal year 2023 (July 1, 2022 through June 30, 2023), the Kansas Lottery paid out 60.7 percent in prizes. Transfers to state programs were 25.5 percent of ticket sales; cost of sales was 3.7 percent, which includes vendor feeds for gaming systems and instant ticket printing; 5.9 percent was paid to Lottery retailers for commissions and bonuses; and 4.2 percent covered administrative expenses, including salaries, advertising, depreciation, professional services, and other administrative expenses.

How are Lottery Proceeds Distributed?

The State Gaming Revenues Fund (SGRF) is funded through monthly transfers from the Kansas Lottery. Transfers are then made from the SGRF to funds dedicated to economic development initiatives, prison construction and maintenance projects, local juvenile detention facilities, problem gambling assistance, and the State General Fund.

The first $50 million is divided by a formula that first transfers $80,000 to the Problem Gambling and Addictions Grant Fund. Then 85 percent of the balance is transferred to the Economic Development Initiatives Fund, 10 percent to the Correctional Institutions Building Fund, and 5 percent to the Juvenile Detention Facilities Fund. Any receipts in excess of $50 million must be transferred to the State General Fund.

State Gaming Revenues Fund FY 2023
Economic Development Initiatives Fund $42,415,000
Juvenile Detention Facilities Fund $2,495,000
Correctional Institutions Building Fund $4,990,000
Problem Gambling Grant Fund $100,000
Veterans Programs $1,260,000
Mental Health Programs $9,000,000
State General Fund $24,816,074

Kansas Lottery Veterans Benefit Tickets

Legislation passed by the 2003 Legislature authorizes net profits from Veterans Benefit Games to go directly to designated veterans’ programs. Every penny of the money is used here in Kansas and goes to provide basic things for Kansas military veterans. All net profits received from the sale of Kansas Lottery Veterans Benefit Games are deposited into the state treasury and are then directed to three special funds:

  • National Guard Educational Assistance Act Scholarships
  • Veterans Home Fee Fund to be used for the Kansas veterans’ homes and the state veterans’ cemetery system
  • Veterans Enhanced Service Delivery Program

Transfers to these and other programs as designated by the Kansas Legislature totaled $23,740,816 from FY 2004 through FY 2023. Transfers in FY 2023 totaled $1,260,000.

Beginning in FY 2019, a fixed amount is transferred from the Kansas Lottery to the Veterans Benefit Lottery Game Fund (VBLGF) once a year on July 15. The transfer is made at the same time the Lottery makes its monthly transfer to the SGRF. If calculated net profits from the designated games at the end of the fiscal year are more than the initial transfer, the additional net profits are transferred to the VBGLF.

How Much Money Has the Lottery Transferred from Veterans Games?

Fiscal Year Transfers
FY 2004 $632,695
FY 2005 $701,164
FY 2006 $717,113
FY 2007 $913,138
FY 2008 $880,163
FY 2009 $1,628,958
FY 2010 $1,030,443
FY 2011 $755,687
FY 2012 $1,352,562
FY 2013 $1,594,127
FY 2014 $1,795,054
FY 2015 $1,587,428
FY 2016 $1,658,099
FY 2017 $1,225,812
FY 2018 $1,028,373
FY 2019 $1,200,000
FY 2020 $1,260,000
FY 2021 $1,260,000
FY 2022 $1,260,000
FY 2023 $1,260,000
TOTAL ALL YEARS $23,740,816

Lottery Ticket Vending Machines

Legislation passed in 2018 authorized lottery ticket vending machines in Kansas. Lottery ticket vending machine sales began in FY 2020.

Beginning in FY 2020, up to $8.0 million from the annual sale of lottery tickets through the vending machines is transferred to the following funds within the Kansas Department for Aging and Disability Services:

  • 75 percent to the Community Crisis Stabilization Centers Fund
  • 25 percent to the Clubhouse Model Program Fund

How Much Money Has the Lottery Transferred from Lottery Ticket Vending Machine Sales?

Fiscal Year Transfers
TOTAL SALES TOTAL TRANSFERS Community Crisis Stabilization Centers Fund (75%) Clubhouse Model Program Fund (25%)
FY 2020 $6,494,405 $1,716,218.00 $1,287,163.50 $429,054.50
FY 2021 $18,762,900 $5,563,671.00 $4,172,753.25 $1,390,917.75
FY 2022 $24,648,492 $7,418,897.00 $5,564,172.75 $1,854,724.25
FY 2023  $36,022,573 $9,000,000.00 $6,750,000.00 $2,250,000.00
TOTAL ALL YEARS $85,928,370 $23,698,786 $17,744,089.50 $5,924,696.50